搭乘公共交通工具可以減碳節能?這是一個非常弔詭、似是而非的論述。 事實上無法直線到達目的地一路上必須走走停停的12噸重公車、耗費上兆土建工程費用碳足跡慘不忍睹的捷運與高鐵等大眾交通工具,在離峰時間是極不環保的交通工具。所以準確地說是政府公部門已經鉅額投資在先,歡迎民眾在離峰時間多搭乘大眾交通工具讓這些系統達到節能低碳的營運效率。至於民眾硬要犧牲乘坐品質與時間成本在尖峰時間超載搭乘這些工具,私領域可以省荷包,公領域可以得到超額運轉的效益固無不可,但長期而言仍不是優質社會的發展方向。
不開車就可以擺脫對石油的依賴?這樣的見解只對了一半。因為塑膠製品 廣泛地應用在我們的日常用品中,大至家電,小至電腦印表機、MP3 隨身碟、文具用品、玩具、牙刷等不一而足,都是由石化原料加工衍生而成的商品。較幸運的是,這些石化產品比起石化燃料,還多了一些回收再利用的可能性。
四、對於正在使用中的機動車輛、動力機械與船舶等,採用例如Euro5歐盟五期等更嚴苛的油耗、污染與安全標準。嚴苛的標準必然會帶動新車價格的上揚不利銷售, 但這仍然符合污染由使用者付費的公平原則。另一方面是推動老舊低效率的車輛汰舊換新,兼收節能減碳並給予產業喘息再生契機的雙重效果。
三、人口減量。說來汗顏!近百年已暴增五倍的60億人口,就是地球最大的資源消耗者與污染源,人口減量是最直接有效的節能減碳方法。但是在廿世紀包括我們在內的許多低所得稅率的國家是以人口成長作為生產力增加與經濟發展的基礎,並以後代人口增加帶來的財稅收入支付前代人口的退休與福利照護。這種無窮擴張的老鼠會結構只有仰賴人口不斷增加才能存續,但也注定會走上資源枯竭、經濟停滯的困局。2005年實施的勞退新制裡的個人帳戶制帶來我們社會結構發展的新頁:當我們個人的終生照護需由自己的勞務所得支付,就是擺脫人口成長緊箍咒的第一步。試想若政府提出2100年台灣人口回降至2,100 萬的願景目標,固然可以有效節能減碳,民眾也可預期因每人可分配資源增加而提升生活品質,但期間必須因應稅率增加的稅制變革;人口降低期間必然發生的結構失衡,必須考慮高齡人口再就業、教育資源隨家庭少子化重分配;單身族群增加會改變與塑造新的家庭親族文化‧‧‧妥善因應這些緩慢但巨大問題所需的深度討論與決策,卻是三年至四年更迭頻繁的政治權力市場中食之無味、乏人問津的雞肋, 甚或是避之唯恐不及的票房毒藥。
Since mid-May, when the new
president began implementing carbon reduction initiatives as part of the
inauguration schedule—and amid the spike in international oil prices driving up
domestic fuel and electricity costs—energy conservation and carbon reduction
have quickly become a nationwide topic in Taiwan, dominating media coverage for
an extended period. Legislators have loudly called for officials to replace
large cars with smaller ones; journalists have extensively reported on hybrid
cars and energy-saving light bulbs; academics urge people to switch from
driving cars to riding bicycles; officials are encouraging the public to use
public transportation like subways and buses instead of driving; religious
groups are joining in by advocating for reduced meat consumption; environmental
organizations are promoting reduced consumption; and slightly more radical
environmentalists are criticizing the president for allegedly making a show of
attending meetings in casual wear instead of a suit... Summing up these topics
surrounding energy conservation and carbon reduction, several fundamental
issues become apparent.
The first issue is that
advocates often question others’ lifestyles from a lofty, condescending
perspective. If society continues to allow this cutthroat environmental
revolution to escalate, next we might see hefty “carbon emission” fines imposed
on entrepreneurs, wealthy individuals, and Taiwanese businesses who frequently
travel by airplane (note: commercial aircraft only advance about 50 meters per
liter of fuel); companies that operate in skyscrapers with central air
conditioning, consuming large amounts of energy for air conditioning,
elevators, and lighting, might face shutdowns; people might be barred from any
domestic or international travel, as these are energy-consuming activities with
no social output; the military might be forced to cease operations or undergo
drastic cuts; idle taxis without passengers could be dismantled; environmental
advocates might be restricted to bicycles or sailboats for their activities...
Such populist actions would only devastate the economic activities that sustain
social stability and growth. Unfortunately, this is already affecting the
automotive industry and other transportation-related sectors, with reduced
purchasing power impacting not only these but also other industries, gradually
leading to widespread economic losses and impoverishment. Another unfortunate
phenomenon is how some of these issues are creating societal divisions. The
call to bike to work is one example: cycling is feasible only within 8
kilometers and on terrain with a grade of less than 5%. The majority of middle-
to low-income workers cannot afford to live in urban areas, nor can they easily
choose workplaces close to home, or afford name-brand, multi-gear bicycles
costing over NT$30,000. Ultimately, the honor of commuting by bicycle for
carbon reduction often goes to university professors or high-income individuals
living near central business districts. The push for using the subway or bus is
another example: more than 15 million people live outside of Taipei, Taichung,
and Kaohsiung, areas that lack extensive subway and bus networks, let alone
those who live and work far from public transit stations, need to transport
children, or must visit clients in various locations. In reality, the
convenience and honor of using public transportation are reserved mainly for
employees in government agencies or corporations with slower work tempos.
The second issue is the tendency
in Taiwanese society to obsessively believe in quick fixes. The glorification
of bicycles lasted for about a week, thankfully tempered by heavy afternoon
rains across the island that snapped the public out of their infatuation with
this mode of transportation—no need to wait for the fall and winter for people
to wake up. Media coverage showed great enthusiasm for hybrid cars, which are
twice as expensive as comparable gasoline-engine vehicles, and some interest in
diesel cars, which cost about NT$100,000 more than gasoline cars and save about
10% in fuel. However, there is little attention to trends like multi-gear
automatic transmissions, which save around 2% in fuel (each additional gear
adding around NT$6,000 to the price), or miniaturized spare tires or
replacements with other features. With the fifth phase of environmental
standards for motorcycles, the media has focused on the price hike, yet there
is no mention of the potential carbon reduction and energy savings in the
country’s largest motor vehicle market. In an extreme counterexample, the media
ridicules the president and officials for removing their suits as a publicity
stunt… In reality, fast-track solutions for energy conservation and carbon
reduction often come with considerable side effects, whereas gradual
improvements are more broadly accepted by society and can sometimes achieve
more remarkable results.
The third issue is a lack of
understanding of the topic, leading to hollow, naive plans that resemble
traditional temple worship ceremonies. Common misconceptions surrounding these
issues include:
the general public in Taiwan have a proper understanding of energy conservation
and carbon reduction and are they willing to take action? Wrong! People in Taiwan are far more
focused on cost-saving in private matters than on energy conservation and
carbon reduction. Therefore, having the government establish low-energy,
low-carbon standards and use price mechanisms to reduce industrial and public
consumption of high-pollution, low-reserve energy remains the most efficient
public transportation reduce carbon and conserve energy? This is a paradoxical, misleading argument. In fact, public
transportation systems like 12-ton buses that stop and go on routes without
direct paths, and metro and high-speed rail systems with enormous construction
costs and carbon footprints, are far from eco-friendly during off-peak hours. A
more accurate statement would be that the government has invested heavily in
public transit systems and encourages people to use them during off-peak hours
to improve their energy-efficient, low-carbon operational rates. While it’s
fine for individuals to save money in private and the public sector to gain
benefits from overloading during peak hours, this isn’t a sustainable direction
for societal development in the long term.
using public facilities reduce carbon and save energy? Partially true. Air conditioning in public spaces such as train
stations, libraries, and shopping malls is indeed more economical than in
private households. However, people can’t spend all 24 hours a day in public
spaces, and most people who choose to spend extended time in public areas are
motivated by reducing their own electricity costs, effectively passing it onto
others. This has little to do with the noble mission of preserving the Earth
for future generations.
energy-saving light bulbs be universally promoted? Fluorescent and LED lighting consume
only a third or a fifth of the electricity of incandescent bulbs; even
elementary school children know they should switch to energy-saving bulbs.
However, the production of fluorescent lamps involves mercury, making recycling
systems essential after extensive use. LED lighting generates a lot of
ineffective heat, posing another type of environmental issue. The T5
fluorescent tube, claimed by manufacturers to save 30% more energy than
existing T8 and T9 tubes, requires an electronic ballast costing around
NT$5,000 for the advertised efficiency, a key reason why it hasn’t yet become
popular. Fluorescent lighting also emits significant radiation. Luckily, those
of us with darker skin have a lower risk of skin cancer from fluorescent
exposure than fair-skinned individuals. Still, if national standards required
fluorescent lighting to include UV-protection glass covers, this would be a
meaningful step toward higher standards in energy-saving lighting while
safeguarding public health.
a financial market for carbon trading reduce carbon? Unfortunately not. Aside from transforming the manufacturing and
usage processes of products to save energy and reduce carbon emissions, carbon
trading resembles Taiwan’s recent REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts).
Everyone can own a share of a building and buy, sell, or trade shares on the
financial market, but the building remains standing, and so does the carbon
smaller cars save more fuel than larger ones? Generally,
yes. However, other factors, such as vehicle weight (for instance, German cars
prioritize collision safety and tend to be heavier than similar Western
European or Japanese models), transmission system, gearbox type, engine
displacement, additional engine features (such as turbocharging, variable valve
timing, direct fuel injection), and fuel type (gasoline, diesel, biodiesel,
ethanol), can all affect this rule. The most objective approach would be for
the government to establish rigorous fuel economy testing methods and publish
the results, which would be far more useful than the public’s assumptions.
not driving eliminate our dependence on oil? This
view is only half correct. Plastic products are widely used in our daily lives,
from household appliances to computers, printers, MP3 players, USB drives,
stationery, toys, and toothbrushes—all of which derive from petrochemical
products. Fortunately, unlike petrochemical fuels, many of these products have
the added potential for recycling.
Compared to revolutionary or
grand temple festival-style social movements, the energy-saving and
carbon-reduction movement can also be upgraded into a form of social movement
that everyone can participate in, where most people feel honored or rewarded, and
innovative leaders are encouraged. This can be termed a
"Renaissance-style" social movement, offering a higher chance of
success and greater impact. Possible topics include:
Promoting flexible work
hours by the government and private sector: Fixed rush-hour
traffic congestion wastes fuel resources and everyone’s time. A flexible work
system, potentially incorporating daylight-saving functions during summer,
seems like a win-win for society.
Actively investing in
broadband infrastructure in second-tier counties: This could
increase opportunities for remote work, accommodate young parents with young
children, and reduce transportation costs from meetings or shopping.
Establishing six major
economic zones in western Taiwan: This would significantly
reduce mobility costs for a large workforce, improve the quality of life in
densely populated metropolitan areas, and discourage the construction of
high-energy-consuming, high-carbon-footprint glass curtain buildings in downtown
areas. It would also support the growth of green buildings and communities in
new towns, while providing an effective solution to political issues related to
the imbalance in development and income disparity between the north and south.
Implementing stricter
fuel, pollution, and safety standards for vehicles, machinery, and ships in
use, such as Euro 5:
While strict standards may drive up new vehicle
prices and reduce sales, they align with the principle that polluters should
bear the cost. Moreover, encouraging the replacement of old, inefficient
vehicles not only conserves energy and reduces carbon but also gives the
industry a chance for renewal.
Encouraging consumption
of other eco-friendly and energy-saving products: Rather than
promoting extreme consumption restraint, which risks economic downturns,
encouraging eco-friendly products mitigates such risks. Beyond energy-saving
lights and low-carbon vehicles, broadly impactful items include DC inverter
motors, which save around 40% energy and can be used in air conditioners,
refrigerators, washing machines, and retrofitting older building elevators.
UV-resistant, highly insulating, and transparent glass can be widely applied in
buildings and vehicles. New propeller aircraft with low noise, low maintenance,
and low fuel consumption could revitalize the struggling domestic aviation
industry. Biodegradable plastic bags, promoted with pricing strategies, might
recover from the setbacks of previous plastic reduction policies, mitigating
the environmental hormone damage caused by plastic waste. Other examples
include mercury-free dry batteries and lead-free circuit boards in electronics.
Implementing an
environmental tax:
This would strategically raise the sale costs of
high-energy-consuming, high-pollution goods, while legally subsidizing
energy-saving and carbon-reducing goods under WTO restrictions. One approach is
to increase the business tax rate for low-standard goods and promote a “GGMP”
green and energy-efficient product certification, allowing such goods to enjoy
tax breaks. Environmental tax can also act as a legal trade barrier, limiting
the influx of low-cost products produced with high-pollution processes in third-world
countries, thus protecting and supporting domestic quality enterprises.
Phasing out tax
incentives for high-tech industries and shifting support to recycling and
regeneration industries: In the absence of better
methods than encouraging consumption for social stability, establishing a
recycling and regeneration system to handle post-consumption waste is
essential. With international prices for oil, electricity, and raw materials
soaring, the market is now ripe for recycled and regenerated products. Early
attraction of enterprises committed to innovative technology and operational
efficiency in this challenging sector would minimize the costs of dealing with
monopolistic practices and local interest conflicts currently dominant in
Taiwan’s three main recycling cooperatives.
Amending the constitution
to reinstate the provision that the education, science, and cultural budget be
no less than 25% of the total budget: This would help restore a
unique national identity, especially by addressing issues with strategic and
long-term basic research, which has suffered from reliance on short-term
commercial sponsorships. Relevant research areas that would give Taiwan a competitive
advantage include geothermal energy, solar power, deep-sea resource
exploration, genetically modified biofuels, alternatives to petrochemical and
wood materials, two-person vehicles between motorcycles and compact cars, and
multi-reservoir systems on single rivers.
Making Zhongshan suits
and suits the official attire: Wool-based suits with long
pants and long-sleeve shirts, originating from temperate Western countries, are
unsuited for Taiwan, where daytime temperatures exceed 25°C for three-quarters
of the year. An improved Zhongshan suit, suitable for both short and long
sleeves and made of lightweight, breathable fabric, could provide comfort,
reduce air conditioning costs, and flatter the body type of many Asian men.
This suit, rooted in Taiwan’s national history and culture, has the potential
to become a unique national symbol. Years ago, when Japanese Prime Minister
Junichiro Koizumi promoted “no suits in summer” with support from corporate
leaders, the gesture was widely accepted. In contrast, when Taiwan’s leaders
followed suit, they faced public and media criticism, highlighting a stark
The energy-saving and
carbon-reduction movement, like many environmental and public welfare
initiatives, doesn’t always align individual or group interests with the
long-term public interest of society. Not every measure can please everyone.
Such challenging yet socially impactful initiatives fall under the government’s
purview, and it may take a visionary and dedicated leader to tackle them.
Examples include:
Building additional
nuclear power units, postponing the non-nuclear policy by 20 years: Among current
fast-track solutions for reducing carbon emissions or combating the greenhouse
effect, the technique of storing carbon dioxide in rock layers or seabeds is
still unverified, with concerns about the energy consumption involved in
collecting and transporting CO₂. Similarly, dispersing sulfur dioxide in the upper atmosphere to
reflect solar radiation and cool the Earth poses risks, as acid rain from SO₂ can harm forests, potentially decreasing CO₂
absorption and resulting in unintended consequences. Algae or marine plant
cultivation for CO₂ absorption is in its infancy but carries the risk of ecological
disaster due to its potential impact on the ocean’s
food chain. In contrast, nuclear power technology is already mature, and with
advancements in space transport, it may become economically viable to transport
nuclear waste to the sun for safe disposal within half a century, thereby
reducing the risk of environmental pollution. Until technologies like solar,
wind, geothermal, and tidal power become commercially viable, nuclear power may
be the safest, most immediate solution—perhaps the only one left for developing
Establishing a permanent
national land-planning agency at the constitutional level: From a national
interest perspective, Taiwan needs an adequate proportion of green lungs to
absorb CO₂ and stabilize communities and ecosystems. It also needs sufficient
fisheries, forests, farmland, and green spaces for food, goods, and recreation.
Additionally, certain areas of land, rivers, and seas may be reserved
exclusively for national defense or strategic purposes. However, from an
individual or corporate standpoint, the scarcity of land leads to appreciation
in its value, and land designated for residential or commercial use fetches a
much higher price than agricultural or forestry land, encouraging private
interests to challenge regulations and encroach on green spaces. Facing such a
zero-sum game, only a national authority with the highest level of power can
design and execute a sustainable land-use plan for all citizens.
Reducing population: It may seem
harsh, but the global population of 6 billion, a fivefold increase in the last
century, is Earth’s greatest consumer of resources and pollutant. Population
reduction is the most direct and effective means of energy-saving and carbon
reduction. However, in the 20th century, many countries with low tax rates,
including Taiwan, relied on population growth as a driver of productivity and
economic development, using increased tax revenue from younger generations to
fund the retirement and welfare of older generations. This “Ponzi scheme”
structure, which depends on endless population growth, is unsustainable,
leading to resource depletion and economic stagnation. The individual accounts
system introduced in the 2005 labor pension reform marked a new chapter for
Taiwan, allowing people to cover their own lifetime care costs from their own
labor income, the first step toward freeing society from the trap of population
growth. Imagine if the government set a vision for Taiwan’s population to
decrease to 21 million by 2100; not only would it save energy and reduce carbon
emissions, but people could also expect an improvement in quality of life as
resources per capita increase. However, to achieve this, tax reforms may be
required to adjust tax rates, and structural imbalances during the population
decrease must be addressed, including elderly reemployment and redistributing
educational resources due to declining birth rates. An increase in
single-person households will also lead to new family and cultural dynamics.
These slow but significant issues require in-depth discussions and decisions,
yet they often become overlooked or dismissed in the fast-paced, short-term
political environment where they lack appeal.
I humbly offer these ideas as a
starting point, hoping to spark further discussion and encourage citizens,
experts, and leaders to address the complex and multifaceted issues related to
energy conservation and carbon reduction.